Band Welcome

We are pleased to have you play the BIDA dance! For more information about the BIDA dance series, see


BIDA hosts both mask-required and mask-optional dancers. Performers are never required to wear masks on stage. At mask-required dances, dancers are required to wear high-filtration masks. For more details on our covid policy, see our accessibility information.


For 1st/3rd Sunday evening dances

The hall is open at 6. We ask bands to arrive in order to be ready to start sound check by 6:30. Setup is between 6-6:30, with sound check from 6:30-7. There is an intro workshop from 7-7:30, which you're not required to play for. The dance runs from 7:30-10:30. Get dinner before you come; there are a number of restaurants in Porter Square and surroundings.

For 4th Sunday afternoon dances

The hall is open at 3. We ask bands to arrive in order to be ready to start sound check by 3:30. Setup is between 3-3:30, with sound check from 3:30-4. There is an intro workshop from 4-4:30, which you're not required to play for. The dance runs from 4:30-7:30.

For Both

Feel free to ask if you'd like restaurant recommendations. If you’ll be late, give Jeff a call at 617-871-0237.


Most of our dances are held at the Masonic Hall in Porter Square, 1950 Mass Ave, Cambridge. We're opposite the Porter Square stop on the Red Line if you're coming by transit. If you're coming by car you can park in the lot next to the hall or (since the dance is on Sunday) in any metered or residential space for free. Parking is in the driveway immediately to the right of the building, in the spots with signs that say "MASONS PARKING ONLY". The blue doors go to the back of the stage for load-in.


BIDA will provide a sound system and run sound. The hall manager will be at the hall when it opens to meet you. We'll put you in touch with the sound person before the dance. Please email that person a list of your sound needs.

We always have at least two monitors (QSC K10), with separate mixes. If you need more than that, let us know in advance and we can usually do up to six.


We offer a $150 guarantee + attendance-based bonus per person for up to four musicians. (More details).
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